My scientific writing courses

7) 1S/2020: A  Outreach 20h-course for graduate students and professors.

6) 2S/2019: FT081 (Academic Writing), a 60h-course for the graduate students of FT-UNICAMP with the presence of Prof. Walter Carnielli talking about Critical Thinking for the closing class.

5) 1S/2019: A 20h-course for the undergraduate and graduate students of UNICAMP

4) 2S/2018: FT081 (Academic Writing), a 60h-course for the graduate students of FT-UNICAMP with the presence of Profa. Monica A. Cotta talking about the publication process for the closing class.

3) 2S/2017: A 9h-course for graduate and undergraduate students during the VIII Semana de Tecnologia em Foco, FT-UNICAMP

2) 1S/2017: FT069, a 60h-course for the graduate students of FT-UNICAMP

1) 2S/2015: Organization of the 30h-course “Scientific Methodology and Writing for Publication” delivered by Prof. Errol Zeiger. Details can be found here.