
O Curso de Comunicação Científica será realizado na Faculdade de Tecnologia/Campus I UNICAMP em Limeira nos dias 13, 14 e 15 de Fevereiro de 2019.

O Curso é destinado a professores da Faculdade de Tecnologia, Faculdade de Ciências Aplicadas e Faculdade de Odontologia. Os professores devem estar em início de carreira, ou seja, com até 10 anos de conclusão do doutorado.

Oferecido pelo British Council dentro do Programa Researcher Connect (veja um vídeo do programa aqui), o curso consiste em uma série de pequenos módulos interativos para pesquisadores de qualquer formação acadêmica. Seu foco é desenvolver excelentes habilidades em comunicação para que sejam utilizadas em contextos internacionais e multiculturais, elaboração de artigos e projetos científicos e apresentação de trabalhos científicos.

O Curso será oferecido em INGLÊS e serão oferecidas 25 vagas.


Dado que alguns campos de pesquisa são dominados por um gênero específico, é requisito do curso que seja mantido o equilíbrio de gênero de modo a promover a diversidade e a assegurar que nenhum participante seja excluído de participar dos cursos por motivos étnicos, de gênero, crença religiosa, orientação sexual ou deficiência. 

O Curso contará com os seguintes módulos:

1) Know your audience

2) Academic Writing

3) Persuasive Proposals

4) Presenting with Impact

O conteúdo dos módulos são:

1) Know your audience:

Most researchers have experienced giving what we feel is a brilliant, uplifting presentation, of writing an in-depth and perceptive paper or an abstract that ticks all the boxes, essentially believing we have communicated well. Yet, to our surprise, we then find that the audience was unresponsive, the editorial board rejected the paper, or the abstract failed to generate views. Our communication failed in some way to achieve what we wanted. Know Your Audience provides participants with the insights, understanding and tactics to avoid such situations, and to communicate effectively whatever the situation or context. The module also examines writing skills and looks at how to adapt writing styles to suit a variety of audiences.

2) Presenting with Impact: 

Presenting with Impact focuses on the skills, confidence and know-how to present at international conferences. Participants work on creating and giving clear, effective and audience-focused presentations about aspects of their research. As with all Researcher Connect modules, Presenting with Impact is highly experiential, with participants developing, delivering and critiquing a brief presentation through a series of practical activities.

3) Academic Writing: 

Academic Writing explores principles and techniques for adapting researchers’ academic writing to become excellent publication material. The course also looks to support the development of tactics and a strategic approach to international publishing in multiple formats. It contains know-how on getting through and understanding the publishing process and the author’s role in this. The module also includes a self-critiquing process that will run in parallel to the activities and conclude with a self and peer-developed analysis with ‘next steps’ to work on.

4) Persuasive Proposals: 

It is becoming increasingly necessary in the professional research environment for researchers, even at a fairly early- career stage, to seek external funding from sponsors, grant agencies or governments. Researchers may also seek support in the form of resources or partnerships and access a myriad of other services from industry, the wider research community and other bodies. Persuasive Proposals will enable researchers to write proposals that are clear, concise, and that better consider and meet the expectations of the funding bodies. 

Mais detalhes sobre esses módulos podem ser vistos aqui.