

Publicação em Periódicos

URSINI, EDSON L. ; MARTINS, PAULO S. ; MORAES, Regina L. ; TIMÓTEO, VARESE S. . n-Steps ahead software reliability prediction using the Kalman filter. Applied Mathematics and Computation, v. 245, p. 116-134, 2014. (FAPESP, Proc. n. 2013/17823-0).

Wilges, P. ; MORAES, R. ; WEBER, T. S. ; Cechin, S. . A Distributed Presence Service over Epidemic Multicast. Journal of Applied Computing Research, v. 2, p. 50, 2012.

MATSUNAGA, ROBERTA MAYUMI ; MORAES, REGINA LÚCIA DE OLIVEIRA ; BORGES, MARCOS AUGUSTO FRANCISCO . Desenvolvimento de um jogo educativo para crianças com hemofilia. Revista Brasileira de Informática na Educação, v. 23, p. 60-69, 2015.

MATSUNAGA, R. M. ; MORAES, R. L. ; BORGES, M. A. F. ; MATTA, M. A. P. ; OZELO, M. C. . Developing a Serios Games for Children with Hemophilia. Journal of Health Informatics, v. 6, p. 114-119, 2014.

Livros / Capítulo de Livros

Martins, P. ; HIDALGO, I. ; CARVALHO, M. A. G. ; ANGELIS, A. F. ; Timóteo, V. ; MORAES, R. ; Ursini, E. ; Fritzke Jr., U. . Schedulability Analysis of Mode Changes with Arbitrary Deadlines. In: Seyed Morteza Babamir. (Org.). REal-Time Systems, Architecture, Scheduling, and Application. Rijeka: InTech, 2012, v. , p. 47-66.

Trabalhos Completos em Proceedings de Conferências

MORAES, R. ; WAESELYNCK, H. ; GUIOCHET, J. . UML-Based Modeling of Robustness Testing. In: 15th IEEE International Symposium on High Assurance Systems Engineering, 2014, Miami. Proceedings of the 15th IEEE International Symposium on High Assurance Systems Engineering, 2014. v. 1. p. 1-8.

BASSO, T. ; ANTUNES, N. ; MORAES, R. ; VIEIRA, M. . An XML-based Policy Model for Access Control in Web Applications. In: 24th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications – DEXA 2013, 2013, Praga. Proceedings of 24th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications, 2013. p. 1-15.

MAMBRETTI, S. ; Martins, P. ; MORAES, R. . Evolutionary Computation Techniques to Assess Losses in Water Supply Networks. In: 7th International Conference on Sustainable Water Resources Management, 2013, New Forest. WIT Transactions on the Ecology and the Environment. UK: WIT Press / WIT eLibrary, 2013. v. 171. p. 1-12.

FADEL, A. C. ; MORAES, R. ; Martins, P. ; MARTINS, E. . Validation of GPON Networks Using a Fault-Injection Based Approach. In: 7th Brazilian workshop on Systematic and Automated Testing, 2013, Brasilia. Proceedings of the 7th Brazilian workshop on Systematic and Automated Testing, 2013. p. 1-6.

BASSO, T. ; MORAES, R. ; JINO, M. . A Semi Automated Approach to Assess Web Vulnerability Scanner Tools Effectiveness. In: Simpósio Brasileiro de Segurança da Informação e de Sistemas Computacionais – SBSeg, 2013, Manaus. Proceedings of the 13th Simpósio Brasileiro de Segurança da Informação e de Sistemas Computacionais, 2013. v. 1. p. 1-15.

Patuci, G. ; MORAES, R. . Incremental Tests: An Approach to Improve Software Tests in Agile Teams. In: Agile Brasil – Workshop Brasileiro de Métodos Ágeis, 2012, São Paulo. Proceedings of Workshop Brasileiro de Métodos Ágeis, 2012. p. 1-11.

Wilges, P. ; Lovison, H. ; Cechin, S. ; WEBER, T. S. ; MORAES, R. . Serviço de Presença sobre uma Estrutura Gossip em Cloud. In: Escola Regional de Redes de Computadores, 2012, Pelotas. Proc. Escola Regional de Redes de Computadores, 2012. p. 1-4.

BASSO, T. ; MORAES, R. ; JINO, M. ; VIEIRA, M. . Requirements, Design and Evaluation of a Privacy Reference Architecture for Web Applications and Services. In: The 30th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing, 2015, Salamanca. Proc. of The 30th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing, 2015.

BASSO, T. ; PIARDI, L. ; MORAES, R. ; JINO, M. ; ANTUNES, N. ; VIEIRA, M. . A Database Framework for Expressing and Enforcing Personal Privacy Preferences. In: XVI Workshop de Testes e Tolerância a Falhas – WTF2015, 2015, Vitoria. Anais of the XXXIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores e Sistemas Distribuídos, 2015.

BARBOSA, R. ; JANUARIO, D. ; SILVA, A. E. A. ; MORAES, R. ; Martins, P. . An Approach to Clustering and Sequencing Textual Requirements. In: IEEE/IFIP Int. Conference on Dependable Computing and Network, 2015, Rio de Janeiro. Proc. of the 45th IEEE/IFIP Int. Conference on Dependable Computing and Network, 2015. p. 39-44. (DEVASSES)

BASSO, T. ; MONTECCHI, L. ; MORAES, R. ; JINO, M. ; BONDAVALLI, A. . Towards a UML Profile for Privacy-Aware Applications. In: The 15th IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology – CIT2015, 2015, Liverpool. Proc. of The 15th IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, 2015. (FAPESP 2013/17823-0)

LEME, E. ; NOGAROTTO, D. ; MORAES, R. ; Martins, P. . Analyzing the Behavior of Communication Faults in ad-hoc Networks. In: 6TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE AND WORKSHOP ON COMPUTING AND COMMUNICATION (IEMCON 2015), 2015, Vancouver. Proc. of 6TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE AND WORKSHOP ON COMPUTING AND COMMUNICATION (IEMCON 2015), 2015. (FAPESP 2013/17823-0)

MATSUNAGA, R. M. ; MORAES, R. ; BORGES, M. A. F. ; MATTA, M. A. P. ; OZELO, M. C. ; CORREA, C. L. P. . Development of a Serious Game for Children with Hemophilia. In: IEEE 3rd International Conference on Serious Games and Applications for Health, 2014, Rio de Janeiro. Proc. of 3rd SeGAH, 2014. v. 1. p. 1-6.

MELLO, V. ; BASSO, T. ; MORAES, R. . A Test Process Model to Evaluate Performance Impact of Privacy Protection Solution. In: XV Workshop de Testes e Tolerância a Falhas (WTF 2014), 2014, Florianopolis. Proc. of XXXII Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores e Sistemas Distribuídos, 2014. v. 1. p. 1-14.

BECCIU, G. ; MAMBRETTI, S. ; MARTINS, P. S. ; MORAES, R. L. . Dealing with uncertainties in losses assessment in water supply networks: preliminary results. In: URBAN WATER 2014, 2014, The Algarve. v. 139. p. 139-148.