You (or a co-author) MUST be registered for the meeting in order to make a presentation.
Keynote Lectures: Keynote Lectures will be of 60 minutes duration (50 minutes talk and 10 minutes for discussion).
Platform Presentations: Each speaker will be allocated 20 minutes for presentation and discussion will be at the end of the section (20 minutes). Visualizer will be available, as well as Microsoft Power Point presentations. For the latter, speakers may use USB Flash Disk or Memory Stick. All available computers are IBM compatible, running Windows 7 and Office 2013. Presentation computer files must be handed-in to the technicians at the Multimedia desk at least an hour before the start of each session.
Flash Presentations Each speaker will be allocated 5 minutes for presentation and discussion will be at the end of the section (20 minutes). Visualizer will be available, as well as Microsoft Power Point presentations. For the latter, speakers may use USB Flash Disk or Memory Stick. All available computers are IBM compatible, running Windows 7 and Office 2013. Presentation computer files must be handed-in to the technicians at the Multimedia desk at least an hour before the start of each session.
Poster Presentation: Poster orientation should be portrait, NOT landscape. Proposed sections to be included, Introduction and Objectives, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussions, Conclusions. Poster presenters are requested to hang their posters 30 minutes before the poster session. Each participant will be allocated at a poster holder (Figure A). Poster size should be of 120 cm x 90 cm (height x width) and have a cord to allow it to be hold in the poster holder (Figure B).