
Quantitative approaches for big river deposits: integrated field geology and 3D photogrammetric models. FAPESP Grant 2016/19736-5

The Neoproterozoic Earth System and the rise of biological complexity. FAPESP Grant 2016/06114-6

Characterization of heterogeneities and modeling of reservoir analogues in fluvial and eolian deposits. FAPESP Grant 2016/03091-5

Application of high-resolution digital elevation models in geology and geomorphology. FAPESP grant 2016/06628-0

Tectonics and sedimentation in Cretaceous Northeastern Brazil Interior Basins. Processo Petrobras 2014/00519-9

Structure and evolution of the Amazonian biota and its environment: an integrative approach. FAPESP grant 2012/50260-6