July 18, 2017 Tuesday, 13:30-15:30 |
Oral Session 4: Nanomaterials and Nanotoxicology |
13:30-13:50 | Charophyte cell toxicity response to nCuO and CuSO4: does it depend on ambient calcium? L Manusadžianas¹;B Gylytė¹, R Karitonas¹; K Sadauskas¹; R Vitkus¹; J Vaičiūnienė² |
13:50-14:10 | NANOTOXICOLOGY OF CARBON NANOTUBES IN VIVO (mice C57BL/6N) UNDER NanoReg-REGULATORY PROTOCOL (EUROPEAN COMMUNITY-BRAZIL AGREEMENT) Wagner J. Fávaro(1,2,*), Patrick V. Garcia (1,2), Marcela Durán(1,2), Eduardo A.R. Socca(1,2), Ulla B. Vogel(3), Nelson Durán(2,4,*) |
14:10-14:30 | Production and Characterization of Flavonoid-loaded Nanostructured Lipid Carrier: Evaluation of its Activity against Skin Cancer A F Costa¹, P A Lima¹, D Stanisic², S B dos Reis³, M B de Jesus³, L Tasic², N Durán¹ ⁴ |
14:30-14:50 | The toxicity of Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) to three freshwater invertebrates: Hydra vulgaris, Daphnia carinata and Paratya australiensis A F Miranda, S Lekamge , A Abraham , R Shukla ,V Bansal and D Nugegoda |
14:50-14:55 | The use of ecotoxicity tests with Daphnia similis to evaluate the efficiency of graphene nanomaterial in the removal of Lambda-Cyhalothrin T Cheminski¹, J A S Vendemiatti¹, G A Umbuzeiro¹, P Prediger¹ |
14:55-15:00 | Toxicity and inflammatory response of melamine cyanurate nanoparticles on renal cells M.D.I. Gohel1 and J.W.M. Yuen2 |
15:00-15:30 | Questions & Answers |