Gisela Umbuzeiro
Quality and management in laboratories
The lecture addressed the strategic and fundamental role of administrative areas in ensuring laboratory quality.
The objective was to disseminate concepts and experiences about excellence in administrative management. The themes were explored by consultant Consuelo Salgueiro Rico and by the Manager of the Department of Decentralized Laboratories at CETESB – Environmental Company of the State of São Paulo, Carlos Roberto dos Santos.
Preventing lead contamination
Presentation about the researchers and institutions participating in a project to prevent lead contamination at the Faculty of Public Health – USP.
The objective is to assess the knowledge of parents about exposure to lead in preschool children, enabling access, learning and awareness on the topic in a fun way.
MutaGen Brasil – Micronucleus test in mouse bone marrow
Didactic and informative video that presents the test, used to identify mutagens. Its objective is to detect a compound that is capable of inducing damage to chromosomes or the mitotic apparatus of erythroblasts.
TV Jornal Regional: Ideias em Debate
Televised debate, with the participation of Gisela de Aragão Umbuzeiro and Raul de Oliveira, regarding the use of pesticides in Brazil and the “Poison PL”, legislation that aims to change the way the country deals with pesticides.
Limeira air quality
Interview with professors from the Faculty of Technology at UNICAMP regarding air quality in Limeira, the city in which the campus is located.

Pesticides in potable water
Professor Cassiana Montagner, a researcher at UNICAMP, answers questions about the dangers of pesticides in water.
Click here to acess the audio interview.

Conexão Ciência:
Water contamination
Interview about water contamination with professor Gisela de Aragão Umbuzeiro, researcher at UNICAMP and coordinator of LAEG.
Click here to acess the audio interview.
Virtual March for Science in Brazil
The Virtual March for Science in Brazil took place in 2020. The objective was to draw attention to the importance of science in confronting the Covid-19 pandemic and its health, social and economic implications. Several LAEG members spoke about this:
English content
Kyoto Univ. UNESCO International Scientific Symposium. Gisela de Aragão Umbuzeiro.
Presentation by professor Gisela regarding the need to change wastewater treatment and monitoring strategies to avoid chemical pollution.
Impressions of the SOLUTIONS Final Conference
Final conference of the 2018 EU SOLUTIONS project, which aimed to improve water quality in Europe’s rivers.
A team of researchers has developed tools, methods and practical solutions to identify substances that require priority treatment, assess the risk posed by chemical mixtures and minimize the pollution burden.
Project members (including professor Gisela de Aragão Umbuzeiro), met to discuss their results with stakeholders and end users from government and public authorities.
30 years: MutaGen
Video celebrating the Brazilian Association of Mutagenesis and Environmental Genomics (MutaGen-Brasil), a civil, non-profit entity, which aims to develop scientific activities in the field of Mutagenesis, Carcinogenesis and Teratogenesis, as well as contributing to the training and updating of professionals in the area.
Water: David DeMarini
David DeMarini, genetic toxicologist at the United States Environmental Protection Agency, discusses chlorination and its effects on water in this video.