Pesquisadora associada no LAEG: Gisela de Aragão Umbuzeiro
Período de Execução: 2013 – Atual
Entidade Financiadora: Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Integrantes: Gisela de Aragão Umbuzeiro
Natureza: Pesquisa
Mutagenic chemicals are generally present in the environment as complex mixtures. Mutations can occur both in germ or somatic cells leading to several adverse effects. The analysis of previously known mutagenic compounds is not enough to identify all the mutagenic compounds present in environmental samples. Bioassays, like the Salmonella/microsome assay (Ames test), are key elements in an Effect Directed Analysis (EDA) because they can drive the chemical identification of priority pollutants. This project aims to use specific strains of Salmonella as diagnostic tools in the assay to help to identify major mutagenic toxicants in the aquatic environment. The proposed project will be part of a collaborative solution-oriented project already approved by the European Commission? EU Work Programme 2013 named? SOLUTIONS for present and future emerging pollutants in land and water resources management? The specificity of different Salmonella tester strains will be explored to suggest the types or classes of mutagenic chemicals that are present in environmental sample extracts, and chemical analysis will be performed for confirmation of the results. If successful, this approach will be consolidated as a new diagnostic tool in EDA. There is a possibility that new mutagenic compounds will be identified using the chemical and biological tools proposed in the Project, supporting the identification of priority pollutants in an integrated risk based approach. The involvement of the Brazilian participants in this project is a great opportunity and will certainly greatly increase the knowledge and expertise of the group, not only in scientific issues, but also how to work with an international team focused in solutions of complex environmental problems.